Signature Complaints Procedure

1. Policy Statement

1.1. Signature encourages an open culture for our care community and everyone who accesses its services. An environment that welcomes free discussion of any issues, concerns or complaints and a process that openly addresses and seeks agreed resolution, aligned with the ethos of providing high quality support and care for residents. This policy acknowledges that some people find it difficult to express concerns or make a complaint, therefore Signature’s complaints policy standards and procedure will support and enable complaints to be made.

1.2. An expression of concern will become a complaint when any of the following criteria is met:

a. the person explicitly states they wish the issue being discussed to be officially recorded as a complaint.

b. the team member receiving the complaint recognises a level of seriousness that in their opinion should be regarded as a complaint or where there has been a regulatory breach that must be reported.

c. the concern has continually reoccurred.

1.3. Complaints can be received either verbally or in writing by the person impacted or the advocate of the individual who wishes to raise the complaint.

1.4. Signature’s complaints procedure is designed to ensure the protection of individuals and the people we support and to maintain high standards of care received by them. It is also intended to promote our open and proactive ethos.

2. Procedure

At Signature Senior Lifestyle all team members are expected to listen courteously and respectfully to concerns and complaints and attempt to resolve these initially at local level. If a team member is not able to do so they should explain the Company’s policy for making a complaint. Signature’s policy is based on four stages:

Concern (Local informal)

Discuss with the senior person in charge at the time your concern(s) they may be able to address the issue(s) directly and rectify the problem(s) in a timely manner.

All Concerns are recorded.

If this is unsatisfactory, then please proceed to the formal process:

Stage 1 (Local)

Contact the General Manager or provide written details of your unresolved concern or complaint(s). All complaints will be acknowledged within three days of being received.

The General Manager will investigate your complaint and respond to you in writing within 21 working days, setting out the investigation undertaken, and any action taken as a result of their findings. If there is no resolution to the matter at this point and you remain dissatisfied with the outcome or you do not feel comfortable discussing the matter with the General Manager, then please take your complaint to stage 2 of the process.

Stage 2 (Regional)

Contact the Regional Operations Director for the home (The General Manager can advise who this person is, or alternatively you can contact the relevant Director at the address below). The Regional Operations Director will investigate your complaint or concerns further and inform you of the outcome within 21 working days.

Signature Senior Lifestyle Operations Limited
Signature House
Post Office Lane

Tel: 01494 680873

Repeated or continuous complaints:

Where repeated or continuous complaints are raised at a home, the matter will be allocated to a Senior Operations Manager, not involved in the day-to-day management of the home, to investigate and oversee the complaint.

Stage 3 (Company)

Should you remain dissatisfied with the way your complaint has been addressed you can contact Kay Cox the Chief Executive Officer who is the nominated person within Signature Senior Lifestyle to oversee the resolution of complaints:

Vishul Seewoolall
Chief Operating Officer
Signature Senior Lifestyle Operations Limited
Signature House
Post Office Lane

Tel: 01494 680873

Stage 4 (External)

If after exhaustion the internal stages of the Signature Senior Lifestyle Complaint Policy you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman and ask for it to be reviewed.

Local Government Ombudsman
Tel: 0300 061 0614

3. Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Part 3) require providers to receive and act upon complaints. However, they are unable to take complaints up on behalf of a resident. The only exception to this is for people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act. They can be contacted at the following address:

Complain about a service or provider – Care Quality Commission (

CQC National Customer Service Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: 0300 061 6161

4. Time

4.1. A complaint must be made no later than 12 months after the date the event occurred or, if later, the date the event came to notice.

4.2. The time limit will not apply if Signature Senior Lifestyle is satisfied that the complainant can give a good reason for not making the complaint within the specified time limit or despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.

4.3. It is Signature Senior Lifestyle’s expectation that all concerns and complaints brought to our attention should be satisfactorily resolved within six months of initial contact or where a different timescale has been agreed within that agreed period.

5. Complaints made on behalf of a person resident in a service

We are only able to accept complaints made on behalf of a resident where we are satisfied that the person has consented either verbally or in writing to the issues being raised, or where the resident cannot complain unaided and cannot give consent because they lack capacity as established within the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005, and the Representative acts in the resident’s best interest, i.e. to prevent detriment to the person.